Choosing an overhead door for your business is an important decision. There are a variety of styles, but not every style could be the right fit for your facility. A sectional overhead door has many benefits and could be the best choice.
What are Sectional Overhead Doors?
A sectional overhead door is a series of connected panels that move together while the door is being opened or closed. In the open position, the sectional door is parallel to the ceiling, held up by the track used for moving the door.
Sectional Overhead Doors are Great for Small Spaces
A door that goes up has an advantage over doors that swing open; you do not have to keep objects or equipment out of the path of the door opening. This is good for small areas; you can store items close to the door for easy access.
Sizing Options
Sectional overhead doors can be installed in a wide range of sizes. Doors can be eight or ten feet wide for businesses that occupy a smaller area. For large companies or those using bigger equipment, sectional overhead doors can be 32 feet wide. You can find the perfect fit for the available space.
Customizable Looks
Sectional Overhead doors have customizable features. They can be completely solid or have windows. There are options for glass panes to create the look that best fits your space. Adding windows or clear sections increases light and visibility. The metal can be painted to match company branding and signage. This allows your doors to be functional and nice to look at.
Increased Security and Durability
Most commercial sectional overhead doors are made of steel. Steel is a very solid and durable metal. It is much harder to break into an area protected by steel doors than an area that has wood doors.
Steel sectional overhead doors can withstand many environmental elements. This includes high heat levels. Even if it is not a fire-rated door, these doors can withstand the heat longer than other materials, giving people more time to find a safe exit.
Sectional Overhead Doors can be Insulated
Insulated doors provide better temperature control inside the facility. An insulated door is usually two layers of steel with polyurethane in the middle. The insulation keeps cold air in during summer and hot air inside during winter months. This helps conserve energy and keep costs lower. It also helps the comfort level of the people working inside.
Insulated doors may also help reduce noise coming from outside the building. This helps people concentrate better, improving productivity. Loud noise can have negative effects on people beyond disturbing their focus. It can lead to accidents when people cannot hear someone warning them of a potentially dangerous situation.
If part of a sectional overhead door is damaged, the whole door does not need to be replaced. If the door has a window piece that has been damaged, that section can be removed and easily replaced. This is also true for any metal section that has been damaged in some way.
Sectional Overhead Doors Improve Workflow
Sectional overhead doors can be equipped with controls to make opening and closing them easy. They also allow for quick access to the facility. They also make exiting easy, as in the case of emergency vehicles.
Contaminant and Pest Control
Overhead doors also help keep outdoor contaminants from entering your facility. In an industrial area, there are many airborne pollutants. Chemical byproducts of manufacturing or truck exhaust fumes are serious health hazards. A well-fitting sectional overhead door keeps these contaminants out of the work area, keeping employees safe. They also keep dust and debris outside of the workspace.
The well-fitting doors also prevent pests from entering your facility. No one wants to find out that their business has a pest problem. Using sectional overhead doors that open and close easily and quickly can help keep bugs and rodents out of your building.
Sectional Overhead Doors Work for Many Different Types of Facilities
Sectional overhead doors can be an excellent addition to small areas or large facilities. They are good for industrial settings like warehouses, shipping docks, or service areas. This type of overhead door also works for showrooms of car dealerships or other smaller businesses.
Sectional overhead doors are easy to maintain and repair. They have a high level of durability for everyday use. They can also raise the security and safety levels of your facility. They are customizable to match the look you want your business to present. Sectional overhead doors are a good match for many facilities.