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Quick Guide to Spring Maintenance for Your Overhead Coiling Doors

overhead coiling doors

As the winter recedes, businesses must ensure their facilities are in top shape to welcome the warmer months. Overhead coiling doors, being integral to commercial operations, demand special attention.

Authority Dock & Door is your trusted source for all commercial door-related topics. They outline essential spring maintenance tips for overhead coiling doors to ensure they operate smoothly, efficiently, and safely.

Inspecting Overhead Coiling Doors: A Spring Ritual

With the arrival of spring, a thorough inspection of your overhead coiling doors is indispensable. Start by examining the door’s surface and structure for any signs of wear or damage.

Look for dents, rust, or areas where the paint is peeling, which could indicate moisture damage. Ensure the tracks are straight and free from obstructions, and check that the door rolls smoothly without any hitching or resistance.

It’s also an excellent time to assess weather seals for cracks or gaps that could let in pests or weather elements.

Cleaning and Lubricating: Key to Smooth Operation

One of the most critical spring maintenance tasks for overhead coiling doors involves cleaning and lubrication. Begin by gently cleaning the doors, tracks, and hardware with a mild detergent, being careful not to use abrasive materials that could damage the door’s surface.

After cleaning, apply a silicone-based lubricant to moving parts such as springs, hinges, and rollers. This not only ensures smooth operation but also prevents rust and corrosion, extending the lifespan of your doors.

Safety Checks and Balancing: Ensuring Reliability

Safety mechanisms are the lifeline of your overhead coiling doors, particularly if your facility is bustling with activity. Spring is the perfect time to test safety features, including auto-reverse mechanisms and manual controls, to ensure they function correctly.

Additionally, checking the balance of your doors is crucial; an unbalanced door can strain the motor and lead to premature failure. If you notice any issues during these checks, it’s advisable to call in professionals for a detailed inspection and repair.

Considering Replacement? When It’s Time for a New Overhead Coiling Door

Even with meticulous maintenance, there comes a time when replacement is the best course of action. If your overhead coiling doors show extensive wear, fail to meet safety standards, or frequently require repairs, it might be time for an upgrade.

New doors offer the latest in technology, safety, and energy efficiency, providing a significant return on investment through improved performance and lower maintenance costs. Assessing the condition and functionality of your current doors this spring could reveal the need for a timely replacement.

Why Spring Maintenance Matters for Your Overhead Coiling Doors

Routine maintenance of your overhead coiling doors ensures smooth operation and significantly reduces the risk of costly repairs and downtime. It enhances safety, extends the life of your doors, and provides your facility’s operations run without interruption.

By incorporating these maintenance tips into your spring routine, you can rest assured your overhead coiling doors will be ready to handle the demands of the busy season ahead.

Regular spring maintenance of your overhead coiling doors isn’t just a recommendation; it’s necessary. By following these tips and maintaining a proactive approach to door maintenance, you can protect your investment, ensure the safety of your operations, and keep your doors rolling smoothly year-round. Authority Dock & Door offers preventative maintenance services and is ready to help get your overhead coiling doors in top shape for the spring and summer months ahead. Reach out to our door experts today!
