Commercial Door & Loading Dock Equipment

Serving the Greater Portland, Salem & Vancouver Areas

Commercial Door & Loading Dock Equipment

Serving the Greater Portland, Salem & Vancouver Areas

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Serving Greater Portland, Salem & Vancouver

The Benefits of PVC Strip Curtains

PVC strip curtains provide a plethora of benefits to your workplace. Some are monetary benefits; other are improved workplace safety for your employees. No matter what benefits your company reaps, you will get a return on your investment in no time. Let’s take a look at the many reasons you should add PVC strip curtains to your facility.

Strip Curtains Create a Safer Workplace for Your Employees

Strip curtains offer many advantages to your workplace. One of those advantages is creating a safer workplace for your staff. For employees to work at their highest levels, they need the best environment possible. PVC strip curtains are one way you can provide them with that workspace. Healthier employees are also happier and more productive. Those employees will perform at the highest level for you, thereby maximizing your payroll expenditures.

Additionally, strip curtains help block contaminants from entering your warehouse or a designated area. Things like bugs or smoke can be detrimental to both your product and your employees. Pests will disrupt the workflow in your warehouse and could make your employees sick.

Other airborne contaminants such as smoke can also make your employees sick. Strip curtains help block these potential problems from entering your employees’ workspace. These curtains also help with temperature control, which is another crucial element in helping create a comfortable workplace for your employees.

Using PVC Strip Curtains Saves Your Company Money

As mentioned above, strip curtains create a safer workplace for your employees. By creating a better working environment, you also save money. Healthier employees are more productive, so you will spend less on the payroll. Healthier employees also cost your business less in workers’ comp claims and healthcare expenditures. These employees are also less likely to miss work.

Strip curtains also help preserve any product that is in your warehouse. Outside elements like pests and airborne contaminants can harm not only your employees but your products. Bugs can penetrate boxes and make a home for themselves in your product. Once your goods are infested with pests, you are unable to sell them and will take a financial hit on those products. Even goods that just take on environmental smells like smoke also lose value and are harder to sell.

Another way that strip curtains can help you save money is through energy efficiency. Warehouses can have many entrances that are open for a considerable amount of time. There are also reasons to keep certain rooms in your facility at specific temperatures. No matter the situation, strip curtains help manage shifts in temperature across your facility. Installing PVC strip curtains at entrance/exits helps keep swings in temperature at a minimum.

The outside temp and inside are rarely the same. Some climates are on the extremes of hot or cold. Strip curtains help you manage these extremes by keeping your facility at a consistent temperature. Your strip curtains will also make sure rooms that require specific conditions can maintain those temperatures.

Where Should a Strip Curtain be Installed?

Many facilities opt to install strip curtains at entrance/exit points to assist with temperature control and as a way to keep pests and airborne contaminants out. While this is exactly the type of place these curtains should be used, PVC curtains are not restricted to just these areas. It is okay to install these curtains anywhere inside your facility where they can be of use.

Climate-controlled rooms or walk-in freezers are other places where this kind of curtain can be used. Additionally, rooms that need to be kept clean or dust-free are also candidates for strip curtains.

What Industries Benefit from Using Sheet Curtains?

Strip curtains are commonly thought of in industrial warehouse settings. This is not the only place that these curtains can and should be used. Other facilities that can benefit from strip curtains would be:

  • Grocery stores
  • Pharmaceutical warehouses
  • Restaurants
  • Data server farms
  • Food processing facilities
  • Shipping facilities
  • Auto body shops

Contact Authority Dock & Door Today to Learn More

Strip curtains are often thought of as just something that can only be used in an industrial warehouse setting. These curtains prove valuable in many settings like restaurants and grocery stores as well. These curtains can help keep a consistent temperature in your facility, as well as protect employees from elements like pests or airborne contaminants. By using these curtains, a business will save itself money and provide a quality work environment for its employees.

strip curtains