Commercial Door & Loading Dock Equipment

Serving the Greater Portland, Salem & Vancouver Areas

Commercial Door & Loading Dock Equipment

Serving the Greater Portland, Salem & Vancouver Areas

Overhead Door & Loading Dock Equipment


Mon-Fri 7am to 4pm




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Serving Greater Portland, Salem & Vancouver

Everything There Is To Know About Loading Dock Equipment

A business’s loading dock is one of the most important parts of the building’s structure. If you’re constantly moving products, this is the area that sees the most traffic. This is why it’s important to make sure that everything runs smoothly in this area.

The proper loading dock equipment will increase productivity and create a safer environment for your employees.

Equipment To Include In The Loading Dock Area

When it comes to creating a safer, efficient loading dock, there are several items that you could invest in. Those items include dock seals, shelters, dock levelers, and vehicle restraints. This equipment will make the process of moving products quicker, more efficient, and safer. Authority Dock & Door provides all of this equipment.

What Are Dock Levelers?

Loading dock levelers provide a level platform for workers to transport products from truck to the loading dock. There are three types of dock levelers that you should be aware of. Those are:

  • Pit-style
  • Vertical style
  • Edge-of-dock

Pit style dock levelers provide a smooth surface for cross-docking traffic. They reduce bumps and rockiness that forklift operators may experience, preventing injury and damage to products. These levelers work best for facilities that work with trailers of different heights. They come in a variety of sizes and capacities.

Vertical style levelers are perfect for facilities that require climate control and to maintain a certain amount of cleanliness. Trucks back into the dock and the leveler is lowered to create a seal between the trailer and building.

Edge-of-dock levelers are a cheaper option to other dock levelers and work best when dealing with trailers that have very little height variance.

What Are Dock Seals?

Loading dock seals seal gaps between trailers and the entryway of the loading dock. These seals come in two types: compression and inflatable. Loading dock seals are great ways to conserve energy, offer protection from the elements, save money, and preserve the temperature inside of your building.

Compression seals are foam-filled seals that seal the area around the top and sides of the trailer. There are several different models of compression seals made of different fabrics, and they come with either head pads or head curtains.

Inflatable loading dock seals are air-inflated. They also provide a tight seal around the trailer and offer climate control while protecting the walls of your facility.

What Are Dock Shelters?

Dock shelters operate in a similar manner to loading dock seals. Dock shelters cover part of the trailer so that you can access the inside of the trailer without worrying about facing the elements outside like rain, hail, or snow.

What Are Vehicle Restraints?

One of the worst things that could happen while moving products on or off a trailer is the unexpected movement of the vehicle. This could lead to serious injuries and damage to goods. A vehicle restraint locks the trailer in place to keep the truck from creeping away from the loading dock.

Count On Authority Dock & Door For All Of Your Loading Dock Accessory Needs

Whether you’re looking for dock seals, levelers, or vehicle restraints, Authority Dock & Door has all of the loading dock equipment that you need to keep your business running smoothly. Visit our Facebook page to keep up with all Authority Dock & Door news.

Have further questions or needs? Contact us today to get your loading dock equipped with everything it needs!

loading dock equipment